
发布时间:2008-3-15 文字大小:  打印:打印此文


EB2 12/01/2003
EB3 02/08/2003



Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular Employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual “per-country” limit. It has been determined that based on the current level of demand being received, primarily by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices, there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category. As a result, numbers have once again become available to the India Employment Second preference category. The rate of number use in the Employment Second preference category will continue to be monitored, and it may be necessary to make adjustments should the level of demand increase substantially.

也就是说把其他国家的剩余名额给了印度,这明显是不公平的做法,几个小时后,排期从网站上消失了。。。。 (存档在二楼)

看数据: 2006FY 职业移民, 中国:9,484, 印度: 17,169

这是写信的模板:(by transitory and coyoteee)


(transitory made minor changes to coyoteee's template so this version can be CC ed to senators, congressmen, 1st lady, etc. etc. Please make further refinement as necessary. In addition to emails, we need to send fax, letter, MAKE CALLS, VISIT senator/congressman's offices.Action is strongly needed! This is for benefits of us ALL. )

To whom it may concern:

The recently released April 2008 bulletin again brought public's attention to the disintegrity and unfairness of the actions by Department of States.

In April 2008 Visa bulletin, it's mentioned: "Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular Employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual “per-country” limit. It has been determined that based on the current level of demand being received, primarily by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices, there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category. As a result, numbers have once again become available to the India Employment Second preference category. The rate of number use in the Employment Second preference category will continue to be monitored, and it may be necessary to make adjustments should the level of demand increase substantially."

I am strongly concerned why these potentially unused numbers from Employment-based category 2 are only made available to Indian applicants rather than the applicants from other countries whose cutoff dates are not current. This is an issue of discrimination and unfairness to all the hardworking taxpayers from other countries including myself. Any irresponsible actions by the DOS will again put their reputation in jeopardy , which was already ruined by the chaos in last July.We request an immediate explanation to the above issue, and an immediate correction is also demanded.
Best Regards,


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