
发布时间:2008-6-4 文字大小:  打印:打印此文

请看本文最下方 Additional Information

"Individuals who are already in the U.S. and remain in legal status are encouraged to apply at non-border U.S. embassies and consulates in conjunction with foreign travel for business or pleasure. Those who plan to visit Canada, Mexico or, in the cases of students and exchange visitors, adjacent islands, may re-enter the U.S. within thirty days on expired visas as long as they possess a valid I-94 form unless they are excluded from automatic revalidation, as noted below. "

我觉得都能回来 唯一造成回不来的原因 如果抠字眼儿的话 在于那个 expired visa
你在面签的时候 即使出现被check 或者当天拿不到的情况 一定和签证官说两句好话
不要让他把你那个expired visa canel 如果上面有个大cancel章 就会有一点危险

边防不让你进的原因是 你虽然有有效I-94 I-797或者I20 但是你的那个expired

当然 还是要看运气 我想因为被check回不来的人毕竟少数 我个人也知道一个 论坛上
有过来人都说了 这个边防官说你不能过 再排队 试试另外一个 不行了 找个旅馆蹲
一晚上 再试 大家仔细想想 那些边防官对于美国移民法律不一定比咱们好

入关的时候 I-797 / i20 放在I-94那一页 再把刚才打印出来的条款 highlight 带
着 或许会有一点帮助.

我明天就要去了 而且我的I-797传真过去还没有信息.

Re-Entry into the U.S. - Important Information

The U.S. Government has undertaken a variety of efforts since September 11
to enhance border security. Anyone who has applied for and been refused visa
issuance at a border post is prohibited from re-admission or re-entry to the United States in the same visa category, even though they are in possession of a valid I-94 form. Aliens who are citizens of countries on the State Department's list of State Sponsors of Terrorism are prohibited from re-entering the U.S. using solely an I-94 form if their visa has expired.

Citizens from State Sponsors of Terrorism countries must obtain a new visa (and thus go through a new set of interviews, computer checks, etc.) rather than re-enter the U.S. using solely their I-94 form.

再看最后一段里面的一句话 Anyone who has applied for and been refused visa issuance at a border post is prohibited from re-admission or re-entry to the United States in the same visa category, even though they are in possession of a valid I-94 form.

我不知道refused visa at a border post 应该怎么理解 是边防 还是指 边境城市的领馆 不敢给大家误导 请高手指点
Citizens from State Sponsors of Terrorism countries就不用担心了 只要你的护照不是北朝鲜 伊朗 叙利亚 苏丹 古巴就成

我要是回不来 在我衣柜夹层里面有一条红色的棉裤 裤裆里面缝了一个存折 存折上有100块钱 大家拿着去吃饭吧。


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