
发布时间:2007-8-30 文字大小:  打印:打印此文



  由于新GRE考试计划已经终止,而且原有报名体系正在恢复,所以考生基本上可以像过去一样报名和复习GRE(如词汇方面可以继续参考胡敏主编的畅销书籍《GRE核心词汇 读故事 记单词》)。不过,对于写作部分的准备,思路可以稍做调整。一方面,仍然以ETS的issue和argument题库为主要研究对象;另一方面,分析和总结各道具体的题时,要细化考虑。例如,对于argument题库中的问题,要注意其中的逻辑推理过程,特别是其中的错误假设(assumption)。关于GRE写作以外部分的详细复习方法,请关注李传伟老师的新浪博客blog.sina.com.cn/lichuanweilaoshi。下面以GRE argument的一篇范文的一部分说明GRE写作要注意的部分(请注意划线部分,它们是ETS所要求的形式)。


  Collectors prize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Island but have long wondered how the Kalinese artists were able to depict bodies with such realistic precision. Since archeologists have recently discovered molds of human heads and hands on Kali, we can now conclude that the ancient Kalinese artists used molds of actual bodies, not sculpting tools and techniques, to create these statues. This discovery explains why Kalinese miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could only be used for life-size sculptures. It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found. In light of this development, collectors should expect the life-size sculptures to decrease in value and the miniatures to increase in value.

  Argument 范文(部分)

  In this argument, the author concludes that the value of life-size Kalinese statues will decrease, while the value of miniature Kalinese statues will increase. To support his conclusion, the author cites the discovery of molds for heads and hands on large Kalinese statues, believing that this proves that no sculpting tools or techniques were used in the creation of these realistic, life-size statues. Moreover, the author cites the paucity of sculpting tools discovered by archaeologists and the fact that miniature Kalinese statues are abstract and different in style to the life-size statues as evidence that each miniature statue is unique while life-size statues are not. The author also assumes that due to mold production techniques, the life-size statues will decrease in value while individually crafted miniature Kalinese statues will increase in value. This argument suffers from several critical logical fallacies.

  First, the author assumes that the discovery of life-size head and hand molds proves that Kalinese artists did not use sculpting tools or techniques.

  Secondly, the fact that molds have only been discovered for life-size objects does little to explain the unique production techniques used in creating Kalinese miniature statues.

  Lastly, the author fails to rule out the possibility that miniature Kalinese statues may also decrease in value.

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