
发布时间:2007-8-30 文字大小:  打印:打印此文

a pivotal figure a pivotal figure (关键)人物  pivot 轴心
premium premium  n.保险金 a.高级的,高价的
a premium student a premium student 优秀学生
a range of a range of 一系列的东西(有顺序)a range from sth. to sth. 从...到...范围,排列不等
abandon abandon 抛弃,放纵 abandonment n.
abbreviate abbreviate v. 缩短,缩写 abbreviation  n.
abrasion abrasion  n.磨损
abstract abstract (ab-去掉,stract 拉)a.抽象的 n.概要
absurd absurd a.荒谬的
abundance abundance (und-波浪) n.丰富,多'麦浪翻滚'undulate/fluctuate 波动
accelerate accelerate (celer-速度)v.加速,不断增长  celerity速度decelerate v.减速
have access to have access to 能够接触,靠近 you have access to the library
accessible accessible a.可靠近的
acclaim acclaim v.欢呼,欢迎 acclaimed a.受人欢迎的
accommodate accommodate v.给人提供食宿;与...相符,适应 (commod- 方便 commodity 商品
accommodating accommodating a.乐于助人的
accompany accompany v.陪伴,伴奏 accompanist 伴奏者 accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏
accord accord v.和谐一致 (-ion琴)accordion 手风琴
accumulate accumulate(cumul-堆积)v.聚堆积 cumulus 积云
accustom accustom v.使习惯 get accustomed to sth.     海关custom 关税 tariff
acquaintance acquaintance n.熟悉,认识
acronym acronym(acr-高,-onym词)n.首字母缩略词
acute acute a.敏锐的性急的,急性病chronic慢性病
adapt adapt v.适应环境 adaptable 能适应的 adaptation 适应,改写本
addictive addictive a.(吸毒)上瘾的 addict (dict-被命令做某事)v.使沉迷
additive additive (add-加)添加剂,附加的
adept adept a.老练的
adjoining/adjacent adjoining/ adjacent a.邻近的,毗邻的
adjust adjust (just-正确)v.调整,校准 adjustment n.
adobe adobe n.土坯,印第安人造房原料
abode abode n.住所,住房
adopt adopt (opt-选择)v.收养,采纳 adoption n.
adornment adornment (orn-饰)n. 装饰  ornamentation 饰品
advent advent n.来到 adventure n.冒险 with the advent of 21 century 随着21世纪的到来
adverse adverse(-verse转)a.不利的,逆反的  ~ wind 逆风~ influence 不利影响 adversity n.灾难,不幸,逆境 adversary n.对手,敌手
advocate advocate v./n.支持,拥护(者)
anesthetic esthetic a.感觉的 anesthetic (an-无)a.麻醉的 aesthetic a.美感的,美学的
affect affect v.影响,假装 severe strom adversely affect our study
affected affected a.装模作样的 affection n.友爱,友情
affectation affectation n.假装
affiliate affiliate(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)v.变成...的儿子,和...联合,加盟进去,附加 filiale 子公司 filial 子女的,孝顺的
afflict afflict(flict-打击)v.折磨 conflict n.冲突
affluent affluent(flu-流动) a.富有的,丰富的
aggravating aggravating(grav-重)a.一再恶化的 gravity 重力 gravitation 万有引力
aggregate aggregate (greg-团体,是group的变体)v.总计 aggregation n. 集合 gregarious a.群居的,社交的
agitation agitation n.激动,煽动 agitate v. 鼓动
akin to akin(-kin亲情关系) ~ to 和...相近,关系密切
alchemy alchemy(chem-化学)n. 炼金术 chemistry 化学
alder alder 赤杨树 older 老人坐在赤杨树下
sloth sloth 树懒
algae algae n.海藻 algal a.
alien alien n.外国人 alienate v.疏远
all but all but + a. almost几乎  集合  +n. all except 除...之外所有的
all inclusive all inclusive 无所不包的
allocate allocate(loc-地方)v.分配(财富)
alloy alloy n.合金
ally ally n.联盟,盟军
alternate alternate v.交替 alternative a.二中选一的
altitude altitude (-alt高)n. 高度 exalt 晋升,赞扬
latitude latitude 纬度,自由空间 longitude 经度
aluminium aluminium 铝
ambiance ambiance(ambi-两边) n.周围,氛围
amenable amenable a.负责任的,应服从的
amiable amiable a.和蔼可亲的
amplify amplify(ampl-大)v.放大 amplifier 扩音器
ancestor ancestor(an-在前面ces-走)祖先
annihilate annihilate(nihil-变成零)v.消灭,歼灭nihility虚无
annual annual a.一年一度的
anomaly anomaly (norm-规范)n.异常的人或物
anonymous anonymous(an-无onym-名字)a.匿名的
antibiotics antibiotics(anti-抗bio-生理)a.抗生素的
antiquate antiquate v.使古旧,废弃antique古董,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的 antiquity 古代
apart from apart from 除...之外besides;aside from
appeal appeal v.上诉,呼吁,吸引力(to)
appealing appealing有吸引力的
apprentice apprentice n.学徒,一再锻炼的人(practise)
approach approach v. 接近(to sb.),方法
aptly aptly a.恰当的,得体的
aquatic aquatic a.水的,水生的 aquarium 水族馆
arch arch n.弧形,拱形门,主要的
archaeology archaeology(archae-古代)n.考古学
archipelago archipelago(archi-主要的)n.群岛, 以o结尾的词大量是意大利语,如:女高音-女中音-女低音 soprano-mezzo-alto
architect architect n.建筑师
arduous arduous(ard-热情-ous过多)a.费劲的,劳累的 ardent n.热情
arena arena n.斗牛场,竞技场
arid arid a.干旱的
armature armature n.盔甲armor
aromatic aromatic a. 芬芳的 aroma n.芳香
array array(ray光线)v. 排列
arthritis arthritis(arth-关节-itis炎症)关节炎
arthrosis arthrosis n.关节 hepatitis n.肝炎
artificial artificial a.人造的
artisan artisan(-san人)n.工匠,艺人 partisan游击队党徒
as a rule as a rule 通常,总的来说as a whole/generally
as a rough thumb as a rough thumb(拇指)大概来说
as far as as far as 就...来说;远到 China's border is as far north as Mohe.中国边界北部远达漠河。
as such as such象这个样子做,就本身而论
ascend ascend(a-向上-scend爬)v.攀登,上升 ascent n.  descend(de-向下)v.下降 descendent n. 后代
ascribe to ascribe to 把...归因于(a-上scribe-写)
aspiring aspiring(spir-呼吸)a.有抱负的,积极的aspiration, respire v.呼吸 inspiration 灵感
assemble assemble(-semble相像)v.集合,组装 ~ line
assert assert v.断言,自我主张 assertion n. claim声称
associate associate v.和...相关联 ~d press 美联社
assorted assorted(sort种类)a.什锦的 assortment n.
assume assume v.假定 assumption n.假说
assure assure v.向某人保证,使某人放心
assurance assurance 担保,断言 insurance 保险
astounding astounding令人震惊的astonishing
astute astute a.(人做事)机敏的,机智的
at interval at interval 断断续续,不时 interval n.间隔,距离
at one session at one session 一下子通过 session 会议,开庭
at the cutting age of  at the cutting age of [research]在...关键时刻
atomization atomization(atom-原子) n.分离成原子
attach attach(-ach接触)v.隶属,贴 ~ed school 附中
attain attain(-tain拿到)v. 获得,拿到attainment n.  detain v.拘留 retain v. 保留
attire attire(tire劳累) n. 服装
attribute attribute to 归因于 -tribute 贡品
auditorium auditorium(audi-听-orium场地) n. 大讲堂
auger auger n. 钻头,螺丝钻,尖钻
automated/automatic automated/automatic自动的automation自装置
available availabe a.可获得的,有用的 -vail 流行,到处有 prevail v.  到处流行 prevailing 占优势的,流行的
aviation aviation(avi-鸟) n.航空 aviator 飞行员 avian鸟
avocational avocational(vocation职业)a.非职业的,副业的  vacation n.假期
aware aware v.(主动)意识到~ of the danger
awkward awkward a.难使用的,笨拙的
backdrop backdrop n.(电影)背景幕
ballet ballet n.芭蕾舞
balmy balmy a.芳香的,止痛的,温和的 The weather is ~. -balm涂在人身上的香油,止痛,疗伤
barb barb n.(鱼)倒刺 barbed wire 倒刺
barge barge 驳船 tug boat 拖船
bark bark 狗叫,树皮
barn barn 谷仓
bare bare 不毛之地的,荒芜的 arid 干旱的
barrier barrier(bar棍子)n.障碍物,栅栏
barter barter n./v.物品交换,以物易物 barter for以...做交换
basement basement n. 地下室 cellar  basen 盆地
be characterized by be characterized by 以...为特征,典型代表了...
be taken aback be taken aback被...吓住了,吃惊be taken by被..迷住
be up to be up to 由...做某事,胜任,从事于it's up to you
beak beak 鸟喙
beam beam n. 光线,木结构大梁
bequest bequest n. 遗产,遗赠 被后代请求留下来的东西
besiege besiege 围攻,包围 siege 包围,围攻
bestow bestow 授予,给予(遗产,奖金)bestow sth. to sb.
bias bias 偏见
bitterness bitterness 苦涩,辛酸
bizarre bizarre 古怪的 strange
blanket blanket 毯子
blast blast 突然性的一阵风,雨,闪光,热浪等
blazing blazing 炽烧的,闪耀的blaze火焰ablaze着火的
bleak bleak 荒凉的,寒冷的 leak 漏
blend blend v. 混合
bless bless 祝福
block block阻挡,街区blocks建筑模块building ~s积木
blossom blossom 鲜花,开花
blues blues 布鲁斯音乐,抑郁I'm in a blues today.
bluff bluff n.悬崖v.诈骗,吓唬别人
blunt blunt (人)挨宰的,(刀)钝的,生硬的
bolster bolster n.垫子,靠枕v.支持,支撑
boom boom v.迅速发展n.繁荣
boon boon n.恩惠,福利
boost boost v. 促进,增加 boot靴子
bored bored无聊的
boundary boundary 边界,分界线 bound范围
bow bow n.弓,乐弓v.弯腰
breach breach n.裂开,v.破坏breach all ties with
breeze breeze 微风
brilliant brilliant辉煌的,有才气的 a ~student
briny briny/salty 海水的,盐的brine盐
briskly briskly ad.轻快地,活泼地 brisk a.
brittle brittle 易碎的
bronze bronze青铜
bubble bubble冒泡
buckle buckle n.带扣v.扣住 buckle up 系安全带
buggy buggy小马车 bug臭虫
bulk bulk体积,大部分~of the students
bundle bundle v.捆成一包n.一捆东西
burdensome burdensome繁重的,劳累的
burgeon burgeon v.萌芽,茁壮成长 (bust out)
burrow burrow 野兔打的洞
bust bust 半身胸像 statue全身胸像
bustle bustle v.喧闹,匆匆忙忙hustle and bustle of NY city
by a of by a  of 2 翻了两番
by far by far 迄今为止
cab cab 出租汽车
cabinet cabinet橱柜,内阁
cactus(pl.) cactus(pl.)仙人掌 cacti单数
calibration calibration(caliber口径) 标度,校准
campaign campaign 运动,战役,竞选运动election campaign
cannibalism cannibalism(cannibal食人族)n.食人,自相残杀
canopy canopy天蓬,遮蓬,树盖
canyon canyon峡谷,溪谷(宽深)the grant canyon科罗拉多 gorge (窄而急)峡谷 the three gorges三峡 valley(平窄)山谷,流域
capability capability(capable能够的)能力
capacity capacity人的能力,容量,身份in what ~do you know the student?
carapace carapace(car-车pace步)甲壳
carbohydrate carbohydrate碳水化合物
cardiac cardiac(card-心的)心脏的,强心剂
cargo cargo(车船飞机运输的)货物
carnival carnival狂欢节
carnivore carnivore食肉动物carnivorous食肉类的
carve carve 雕刻 carving雕刻品,雕花
cast cast v.扔n.剧团,演员表cast off丢弃,摆脱
casting casting n.铸造,铸件,扮演casting of Mao by Guyue
category category 分类,范畴
cater cater 准备食物cater to your wedding    投合(to)cater to your need/the popular taste
cathedral cathedral 大教堂
cavern cavern岩洞,洞穴
cavity cavity洞,蛀牙洞
cease cease v.停止
celestial celestial 天上的,天空的 celestial body 天体
cell cell细胞,单人牢房,电池
cello cello大提琴cellist大提琴演奏家
census census(cen调查标准)人口普查
ceremony ceremony礼节,仪式ceremonious 讲究仪式的,隆重
chafe chafe v.擦破,激怒
chamber chamber室,会所,议院,协会chamber music室内音乐chamber of London commerce伦敦工商协会
chaos chaos混乱
charcoal charcoal/char木炭
charter charter图表,营业执照license charter v.包租(飞机)
chateau chateau城堡,城堡型的旅馆
check check n.支票v.控制~sb.美国政体check and balance
chill chill n.寒冷 chilly a.寒冷的
chimpanzee chimpanzee 黑猩猩
chisel chisel n./v.凿子
cavalry cavalry骑兵精神 cavalier骑士,对女士殷勤
chop chop大块剁 chop rib排骨
choppy choppy波涛汹涌 choppy wave  ballast压舱物沙囊
cord cord/chord(-ord弦)琴弦,心弦
circulator circulate(circu-圆)v.循环,流通,图书发行,借还
circulation desk circulation desk (图书馆)借还台
circumscribe circumscribe vt.在...周围划线,限制(孙悟空)
cite cite 引用
civilian civilian平民,百姓,与army相对
civility civility彬彬有礼 civil right公民权
claim claim声称,主张,认为
clam clam 蛤,贝
clamer clamer n. 喧闹
clan clan宗族
classification classification分类
clay clay黏土
cliff cliff 悬崖,绝壁
cling to cling to 依靠,坚持
clockwise clockwise顺时针,counterclockwise逆时针
clumsy clumsy笨拙的awkward
cluster cluster 串,群
code of law code of law 法典
codify codify 编成法典,编辑成书
coexist coexist 共同生存
cohabit cohabit同居cohabitation同居生活inhabit居民
cohesion cohesion(hes粘在一起)凝聚,凝聚力
coincide coincide巧合,符合coincident巧合的
collaborate collaborate(labor劳动)合作
collective collective集体的~spirit集体主义精神
collide collide碰撞collision n.
colossus colossus巨人,巨石colossal巨大的
combustible combustible易燃的combust v.消耗,燃烧cumbustion发动机燃烧 gasoline is combustible.
comet comet 彗星
commision commision n./v.委托,授权,佣金~sb. to sth.
committed committed 效忠的 commit crime犯罪commit suicide自杀   you're committed to your work/country.
commodity commodity商品 commod方便
commonsense commonsense具有常识的,通情达理的
communal communal公共的,公社的community社区
commuter commuter经常往返者 commute交换,改变
compact compact压缩的,简明的,合同~dictionary
companion companion伙伴,同伴
comparable comparable可比较的
compatible compatible和谐一致的~relationship with each other.
compel compel(pel推)强迫~sb. to do sth.
compensation compensation 补偿 compensate for 对...做出补偿
competing competing brand力量不相上下的competing with sb.
competitive competitive具备竞争能力的
compile compile(pile堆)编纂
complacence complacence满足,自满complacent a.
complement complement v/n补充complementary互补的
complex complex复杂的,情结,结合建筑群complexes
complicated complicated复杂的
comply with comply with与...一致,照做 comply顺从,遵守
component component(pon放)成分
compose of compose of 由...组成
composition composition作文,作曲,合成物~of chemical
compound compound化合物,混合
compress compress压缩compress air
comprise comprise v.组成 12 months ~a year.
conceal conceal v.隐藏
concede concede(cede走后)让步concession n. concessible a.
conceive conceive v.设想 conceive an idea
conception conception/concept 概念
concerted concerted商定的,协调的 concert音乐会
concise concise(cise切)简明的
concrete concrete混凝土,具体的 abstract抽象的
condense condense v.浓缩
conder conder秃鹫 bald eagle白头鹰(美国国鸟)
conductivity conductivity导电率
cona cona圆锥,松果 conic圆锥的
confederate confederate联盟 federate联盟(北方)
configurate configurate(计)配置,组成,结构
confine to confine to限制...范围内
confirm confirm证实
conflict conflict冲突
confront confront(front脸)面对面冲突,对抗effrontery厚颜无耻
congenial congenial(gene基因)意气相投的,性格相似的
congestion congestion(gest管道)拥塞,充血ingest吃digest消化 gestion治理
congregate congregate(greg集合)v.聚集
conifer conifer(cona松果fer带来)针叶树
conjecture conjecture(ject扔)推测,猜测
consecutive consecutive(secut跟随)连续的persecute迫害
consequence consequence n.结果;后果consequent随之发生的
consequently consequently合乎逻辑的
conservation conservation保护conservative保守的,守旧的
considerably considerably十分地,相当地
considerate considerate考虑周到的
consortium consortium国际性协会
constantly constantly不断地
constitution constitution章程,宪法constitutional宪法的
constrain constrain压制,强迫
constrict constrict约事,收缩
construction construction建筑物
consume consume消耗,花费consumer消费者consumption n.
contemporary contemporary同时代的人,当代的
contend contend声称,主张contender竞争者
content content容量,含量
contest contest比赛,争夺(地盘)
continental continental大陆性的
continuum continuum连续统,闭联集
contract contract收缩
contradict contradict反驳矛盾
contribution contribution贡献
controversial controversial有争论的controversy争论,论战
convention convention会议conventional习惯的,符合传统的
converge converge汇合
converse converse交谈
convex convex凸的
convey convey传递,运输
convict convict证明...有罪,宣判有罪
conviction conviction确信convince使信服convincing令人信
coordinated coordinated协调的coordination协调
copy copy仿照
coral coral珊瑚
cord cord绳子,线,带
corona corona日冕
corps corps团队,特殊兵种
corral corral占有,围住
correspondingly correspondingly相应地
corridor corridor地带,走廊
corset corset紧身衣
cosmic cosmic宇宙的cosmos宇宙cosmopolitan全世界的
costume costume服饰
council council议会,理事会
counterbalance counterbalance使平衡
counterpart counterpart对应的人(或物)
course course发展,进程
cowhand cowhand牧牛工
crack crack裂缝
craft craft手工艺
crash crash暴跌,坠落
crater crater陨石坑,火山口
crawl crawl爬
creature creature生物
credit credit荣誉
crew crew人员
crisscross crisscross v.交叉
criteria criteria(criterion的复数)标准
critical critical批评的,关键的,不可少的critic批评家
crooked crooked不老实的,欺诈的
crowbar crowbar撬棍
crucial crucial至关重要的
crude crude粗糙的,原始的crudely粗糙地,未加工地
crumple crumple扭弯,弄皱
crunch crunch左右为难的困境,艰难局面
crush crush压塌
crust crust地壳
crustacean crustacean甲壳动物
crystal crystal晶体
cubic cubic立方的cubism立体主义cube立方体
culminate culminate v.达到顶点
cumbrous cumbrous(cumb障碍物)累赘的cumbsome
curator curator(博物馆)馆长,监护人
curriculum curriculum课程表extra curriculum课外活动
custodian custodian监护人,管理人
cuticle cuticle(cut切cle小)表皮
cylinder cylinder圆桶,圆柱体
dash dash猛冲water dash down.
daunting daunting a.使人畏缩的,daunt沮丧,恐吓
dawn dawn黎明at the dawn of sth.在...开始
dazzling dazzling头晕目眩的
debate debate辩论,争论(政治)
debris debris残骸,动物枯骨
declaration declaration申报,宣言declare v.
decline decline n./v.衰退decling a.正在衰退的
decorate decorate v.装饰,装修decor舞台装饰decorative a.
defecate defecate/defaecate(de出faec吃坐) v.澄清,通大便
deference deference(defer拖延) n.尊重,顺从deferential a.
deficiency deficiency n.缺乏,不足(账目)差额deficit赤字
deform deform v.变成畸形 deformation n.
deft deft/adept 敏捷的,熟练的,灵巧的
degradation degradation(grade等级)降级,退化degrade v. upgrade
dehydrate dehydrate v.脱水 dehydration n. dehydrated a.脱水的
deliberate deliberate(liberate自由)故意的,深思熟虑的
delicate delicate精美的 delicacy n.精美
delta delta 三角洲
demobilize demobilize(de不mobil动员) v.复员
demolish demolish毁坏,推翻the hail ~ed all the vegetables.
dense dense 浓密的,密集的density密度
depict depict(pict画)描述
deplete deplete(plete完)耗尽deplete all the natural resources.
deposit deposit储存,沉淀,押金,存款,矿藏
depredation depredation掠夺depredate v. predator食肉动物
depreciation depreciation贬值,降价depreciate v. (appreciate欣赏)
depression depression 精神压抑,萧条the great ~  depress v. unti-depressant抗压抑药 depressant镇静剂
derive derive(de支流riv河)派生,起源(from)
desalination desalination(sal盐)脱盐,淡化盐水desalinate v.
descend descend v.下降 ascend上升descendant 后代descendent派生的descent n. 降下,血统,侵袭
designate designate v.指定
desirable desirable 很好的,可行的,合意的
desirous desirous渴望的
desperate desperate(sper希望)绝望的
despoil despoil v.夺取,掠夺(of sth.)
destruction destruction n.毁坏destruct v./a. construction建设
detect detect察觉,侦查detective侦探detectable可发觉的
deter deter v. 阻止deterrent威慑力量
deteriorate deteriorate(deterior变坏)v.使恶化 deteriotation
determinant determinant a. 决定性的,决定因素determine
devastate devastate(vast广大)v.(大面积)毁坏devastation n. devastator 破坏者devastating破坏性的,全然的
device device n. 装置,设备
devoid devoid of缺乏的,全无的
devour devour v.吞食 devouringly贪婪的
devout devout虔诚的
diagonal diagonal(dia对gonal角)对角线
diameter diameter(dia穿过)直径
dictate dictate 口述,命令,听写dictator独裁者
diction diction v.措词,用语dictionary字典
differentiate differentiate v.区别,分化
diffuse diffuse(di四方fuse流)散播,扩散
digest digest(gest管道)消化,摘要
digress digress(gres走)v.离题 digression n. digressive a.
dilute dilute(lute冲)冲淡,稀释 dilution n.
diminish diminish(mini小)缩小,变小,减少
dinosaur dinosaur恐龙
discard discard(card扔)抛弃
discern discern v.目睹,辨别descernment洞察力descernable可辨别的descerning有辨别能力的
discharge discharge v.释放,放电,履行(义务),解雇
discipline discipline n.纪律disciplined守纪律的undisciplined
discourage discourage(courage勇气)v.使气馁,阻碍
discourse discourse(正规的)演讲,文章(upon)
discreet discreet谨慎的
disintegrate disintegratev.使分解,瓦解,碎裂integral完整的
dispense dispense(pense挂)分发,分配
disperse disperse(perse点缀)v.分散,传播
disposal disposal n.处理 dispose v.
disposed disposed有...倾向的,愿意的I'm disposed to do sth.
disproportionate disproportionate a.不成比例的,比例失调的
dispute dispute n./v.纠纷,争论dispute with sb. on sth.
disputant disputant 争论者
disrepute disrepute(repute名声)坏名声,不光彩reputation名声
disseminate disseminate(semi种子)v.散步
dissipated dissipated(sip喝)分散的,浪荡的,沉迷酒色的dissipate v.  dissipation n. dissipator浪荡子
dissolve dissolve v. 溶解,解散
distent distent(tent拉,帐篷)膨胀的,扩张的distention n.
distinct distinct 不同的,清楚的distinction区别
distinctive distinctive有特色的,与众不同的
distort distort(tort扭)v.扭曲,歪曲
distract distract(tract拉)转移distractive分散注意力的
distribute distribute v.分发,分配,(货物)散collection/distribution
diver diver潜水员
diverge diverge分歧,分叉converge汇聚
diverse diverse不同的,变化多的diversity多样性,差异
diversify diversify使多样化,diversified多样的,各种的
diversion diversion转换,转移,解闷,娱乐divert使高兴
documentation documentation文件,记录
dodge dodge躲开
dogma dogma教条dogmatic教条的,独断的
dolphin dolphin海豚
domain domain领域,范围
domestic domestic(dome家,圆屋顶)国内的,家庭的,驯服的
dominant dominant有统治权的,占优势的dominate v.
domination domination n. dominating专横的dominator统治者
dormant dormant冬眠的dormancy n.冬眠
dorsal dorsal(dors背)背的endose v.在(票据)背面签名
drag animal drag animal御用动物
drain drain v.排水 irrigate v.灌溉
dramatic dramatic戏剧性的,生动的
drawback drawback缺点 退税
drill drill v.钻n.钻子
drought drought干旱(dry out)
ductile ductile(duct引导)易延展的,易交道的,柔软的
dump dump倾倒(垃圾)
durable durable持久的,耐用的
dwarf dwarf矮子dwarf star矮星

eccentric eccentric(centr中心)古怪的,反常的,怪人
eclipse eclipse日食,月食solar~ lunar~
ecological ecological生态学的ecosystem生态系统
economize economize v.节约,省钱 customize定做(商品)
edentate edentate(e出dent牙)无齿的,贫齿类动物dentist牙医denture假牙
edible edible(edi吃)可食用的
edifice edifice大厦(来自圣经)
eject eject喷射,逐出
elaborate elaborate精工细做,详细说明(on)
elaborately elaborately ad.苦心经营地,精巧地
electron electron电子neutron中子nucleon核子
elegance elegance(leg腿)高雅elegant文雅的
elevation elevation(lev举)海拔elevate提拔举起elevator电梯
elicit elicit(lic引)引起,得出
eligible eligible(lig选)合格的,有资格的
eliminate eliminate(limi极限)v.消除
elite elite(集合名词)精英
elixir elixir/panacea万能药,炼金药
elliptical elliptical椭圆的 ellipse椭圆
elusive elusive难懂的,难捉摸的elude躲避the question elude me.这个问题我不懂
embed embed(bed床)v.插入,嵌入
embellish embellish v.修饰belle美人
emboss emboss(boss老板)vt.凸出来,浮雕embossment n.
embryology embryology(embryo胚胎)胚胎学
emerge emerge(merge淹没)浮现submerge沉没emergence出现emergency紧急事件emergency room急诊室
emigrate emigrate移出,移居emigrant移民immigrate移入
emission emission(导弹)发射(水)喷射(光热)散发 emit v.
employ employ雇佣,使用,利用
enact enact(法令)颁布enactment of law
encounter encounter v. 遭遇
engrave engrave(grave刻)v.雕刻engraving雕刻术,雕版
enormous enormous(nor常规)巨大的,极恶的enormity恶人
entangle entangle v.纠缠不清(三角恋爱)involve一般纠缠
enterprise enterprise事业,企业enterprising有事业心的
entity entity存在物,实体nonentity不存在物,小人物
entrepreneur entrepreneur(法文)企业家enterpriser
enzyme enzyme酶
epidermis epidermis(epi在外derm皮肤)表皮,上皮  dermatology皮肤病学
epoch epoch新纪元,时代era
equilibrium equilibrium (equ平等lib自由)n.平衡
equivalence equivalence 等价
erect erect v./a.竖立 erecton n.
erosion erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀(水土流失)erode v.  corrade(钢铁等)侵蚀
eruption eruption(e去rup断)n.爆发,火山灰,出疹
eternal eternal永恒的eternity n.
ethically ethically道德上的,伦理上的ethic伦理道德
ethnic ethnic人种的,种族的
evaporate evaporate(vapor蒸气) v.蒸发
eventful eventful变故多的,多事之秋的
evergreen evergreen常青的
evident evident明显的,显然的evidence明显,证据
eviscerate eviscerate(viscera内脏)取出内脏,viscera内脏
evoke evoke(voke喊)唤起,博得
evolution evolution进化 evolve v.进化
exalt exalt(alt拔高)赞扬,晋升exalted被提高的,兴奋的
excavate excavate(cav洞)挖掘,挖空excavation出土文物
exceed exceed v.超越
excel excel v.胜过excellent优秀的
exception exception 例外,反对exceptional优异的
excess excess n.过度,超额 a.过度的excessive过多的
exclude exclude(clu关闭)排除
exclusive exclusive排外的,唯一的exclusivelly排外地,专有地
execution execution n.执行,死刑executioner刽子手
executive executive经理
exempt exempt(emp买)v.免除,被免除的(from)
exert exert(ert力)v.努力,用力气,施加力气
exhale exhale(hale气)v.呼气 inhale吸气
exhibition exhibiton展览,表现,出风头exhibitionist出风人
exobitance exobitance(obit轨道)n.过度,不当exobitant越轨的
expand expand膨胀,发展expension
expedition expedition(ped脚)远征,探险队
expenditure expenditure n.支出,花费
expertise expertise(expert专家)专门技术
explicit explicit(plicit重叠,摺)明确的implicit含蓄的
exploit exploit开发,利用
exponential exponential指数的~ly increase  exponent指数
express express 特快专递 express train特快火车
expressive expressive有表现力的,表达...的
extend extend向外延伸的
extensive extensive广泛的
exterior exterior外部的,外部
external external外部的 internal内部的
extinct extinct灭绝 extinction消灭
extract extract v.提取,拔出(牙),精华

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